The Geographical Names Board (GNB) is seeking community feedback on a proposal by Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council to dissolve the suburb of Back Creek into the adjoining locality of Mongarlowe.
There are six instances of the locality name Back Creek across NSW and this proposal aims to help to remove this duplication and provide clear, consistent and unambiguous addresses which are important for service delivery and emergency services.
Council is supportive of dissolving the locality of Back Creek into Mongarlowe. This means the name Back Creek will no longer exist in the Queanbeyan-Palerang Local Government Area.
It is important addresses are simple, unique and easily understood to enable effective service delivery, navigation and identity management. Suburbs form the third legal component to an address, along with house number and road name.
The Board is encouraging community comment before it considers the proposal.
The GNB is seeking feedback to gauge community sentiment for the proposal. Suggestions for alternative names is not being sought at this time.
Details of the proposal can be viewed and submissions lodged on the GNB’s website.
Alternatively, written submissions may be mailed to the Secretary, Geographical Names Board, 346 Panorama Ave, Bathurst, NSW 2795.
The closing date for submissions is 17 June 2023.
Quotes to be attributed to Chair of the Geographical Names Board Narelle Underwood
“An important element of determining new suburb boundaries is giving residents the opportunity to have a say.”
“It is important that place names reflect the character and history of the local area and community. We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed name.”
Contact details: | 0438 108 797