A Monash expert is available to comment on a statement by technology leaders, including the heads of OpenAI and Google Deepmind, warning AI could lead to the extinction of humanity.
Professor Geoff Webb, Department of Data Science & AI, Faculty of Information Technology
Contact details: +61 450 501 248 or media@monash.edu
Fundamentals of AI
Machine learning
Data mining
The following can be attributed to Professor Webb:
“Extraordinary recent advances in AI have led to alarming predictions of existential threats to humanity. While there are many risks associated with the new technologies, there are also many benefits. We need to do our utmost to control the risks while ensuring Australia shares in the many benefits. There are good reasons to be concerned, but predictions of the ‘end of humanity’ are overblown.
“Be alert, not alarmed. Instead of being paralysed by fear we should seize the opportunities by investing in training to enable our workforce to best benefit from the power of AI, and invest in research so that we can adapt technologies to serve our national interest.”
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