Department of Home Affairs boss, Mr Michael Pezzullo AO, will front the Joint Standing Committee on Migration on Wednesday 14 June 2023 to provide evidence to the committee’s Migration, Pathway to Nation Building inquiry.
This will be the seventh public hearing for the inquiry and the first time the Department appears.
Committee Chair, Maria Vamvakinou MP, said ‘over the course of the inquiry, the committee has heard from all sorts of people and organisations on what’s wrong with the current migration system and how it could be improved.’
‘This hearing will be the perfect opportunity for the committee to get answers on the current operation of the migration system from those directly responsible for administering it. The hearing is particularly timely given the recent completion of the Parkinson Review, the announcement of the Government’s proposed Migration Strategy, and the ongoing Multicultural Framework Review. The committee will be very interested to hear about the outcomes of these initiatives and how the Department will implement associated reforms.’
‘The committee has already heard from a whole range of sectors, all united in the view that migration remains crucial to Australia’s national interest. So it is vital that we have a migration system that is fit-for-purpose, backed by evidence and research, and is beneficial to Australia’s society, culture and economy, as well as to migrants themselves’, Ms Vamvakinou said.
The full hearing program is available on the Committee website.
Hearing details
Wednesday, 14 June 2023 – 11.45am to 1.45pm – Main Committee Room, Parliament House Canberra
Media inquiries
Committee Chair
02 6277 4249
For background information
Committee Secretariat
02 6277 4560
For more information about this committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to the inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.