World Donut Day is this year celebrated on 2 June. This day first began in 1938 as a fund-raiser by the Salvation Army to help people in need during the great depression, every year since it’s been celebrated on the first Friday in June. To keep this great tradition of helping others, OMG! Decadent Donuts is raising some dough (pun intended) for Australian charity Orange Sky .
OMG! Decadent Donuts is an Australian business which makes delicious donuts that are free from gluten, dairy, egg, wheat, nuts, yeast and sulphites and are vegan.
OMG! is usually recognised in shops, farmers markets and community events by their bright aqua colour, but on June 2nd,3rd and 4th they’re turning orange to raise much needed funds and awareness for Orange Sky. They’ll raise the dough by donating $5 for every box of 12 donuts sold over that three-day period and asking their customers to do the same.
The hot, freshly made donuts are dusted in unique blends of all natural fruit, vegetables and spices; during this event an “Orange Sky” dusted donut will be available dusted in a delicious blend of orange and cinnamon sugar.
With the 2021 ABS Census data reporting the number of people experiencing homelessness across Australia has increased 5.2 percent since 2016 Orange Sky has never been busier. Funds are needed to continue and grow the reach of the services of free mobile laundry, showers and conversation which they provide throughout Australia.
The 2021 Census found that 122,494 Australians were experiencing homelessness. That’s one in two hundred people!
According to Orange Sky Co-Founder Nic Marchesi, “A lot of us don’t know what it’s like to spend a night on the street, but nearly all of us can relate to being cash strapped at one point or another. An unexpected bill, a medical emergency or maybe the breakdown of a relationship, it doesn’t take long to be in a situation where money is tight. Of the Australians experiencing homelessness, five percent are ‘sleeping rough’ and 95 percent are staying in shelters, boarding houses, temporary accommodation or severely crowded homes.
CEO and fellow Co-Founder, Lucas Patchett, added “We know Aussies are doing it really tough right now. With the cost of living continuing to increase and the housing crisis, we have seen that a lot of people over the past two years are finding themselves in really tough situations, which they never thought they would be in.”
“In addition to experiencing homelessness, for some Australians, needing the help of Orange Sky has been due to natural disasters such as floods, bush fires, or cyclones. When these disasters occur, we’ve often been amongst the first responders helping people who, in some cases, have been left only with the clothes on their backs. When a disaster has struck, our amazing volunteers were there, on the ground where possible, providing warm showers, laundry facilities to wash salvageable items for those who needed it, or simply just a friendly face ready for a chat. At these times of extreme duress, this simple service gave hope and comfort to the many people who had lost so much”.
Nic went on to say, “When OMG came to us and suggested this collaboration, we couldn’t have been happier, we love that OMG Donuts are inclusive as this really resonates with the core values of Orange Sky”.
OMG! Decadent Donuts can be found in about 70 locations around Australia. Director and spokesperson of OMG!, David Moore, said “We’re a family owned Australian business, our licensees throughout Australia, are all locals to their region, and there is not one region in Australia that is exempt from needing the support of Orange Sky. We want to draw attention at a community level to the need to support people who are either homeless, experiencing hardship or in need due to a natural disaster”.
To find out where you can get a fix of the highly addictive OMG! Decadent Donuts go to
Contact details:
Kath Rose 0416 291 493