What A rally organised by Friends of the Earth Melbourne to oppose the proposed Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) project intended to use Victoria’s brown coal to produce hydrogen for export to Japan. To offset the more than 720,000 petrol cars worth of emissions likely to be produced by the project, it relies on the world’s largest carbon capture and storage initiative.
The rally will argue that we cannot afford to start a single new coal project if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Read more about the project here
When 8:30-9:30am Wednesday 30 August
Where Front steps, Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street Melbourne
Who Speaking at the rally:
- Ellen Sandell MP, Member for Melbourne.
- Jane Carnegie, Save Westernport.
- Freja Leonard, No More Gas campaigner, Friends of the Earth Melbourne
About us:
The No More Gas campaign aims to end the exploration, production and use of fossil gas across Victoria, the heaviest domestic gas using state in Australia through community and political advocacy and policy development.
Friends of the Earth Melbourne is this year celebrating our 50th year of advocating for environmental conservation and social justice.
Contact details:
Freja Leonard – 0400 611 896