22 August 2023
The NSW Bar Association welcomes the appointment of Justice Stephen Gageler AC as the new Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.
“The announcement that Justice Gageler will be the next Chief Justice of Australia is both welcome and universally lauded by the profession. Justice Gageler’s exceptional ability and unique standing for appointment to this position is evidenced throughout the Commonwealth Law Reports,” said Gabrielle Bashir SC, President of the New South Wales Bar Association. “His exceptional ability as a jurist across all fields of law and his deep humanity are evident to all who have had the privilege of appearing before his Honour and knowing him.”
Justice Gageler is a life member of the NSW Bar Association. He commenced practice at the NSW Bar in 1989 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2000 before becoming Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth in 2008 prior to his appointment directly to the High Court of Australia in 2012. He will be the longest-serving current member of the High Court upon the retirement of Chief Justice Susan Kiefel in November.
The NSW Bar also applauds the appointment of Justice Robert Beech-Jones to the position on the High Court created upon Justice Gageler assuming the position of Chief Justice.
“Justice Beech-Jones’ appointment to the High Court is due recognition of his highly respected contributions on the Supreme Court of New South Wales and most recently as Chief Judge of the Common Law Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and as a Judge of Appeal,” Ms Bashir said.
“Justice Beech-Jones is widely respected among the profession as an outstanding jurist and brings a wealth of trial and appellate experience to the High Court, both from his 20 years at the Bar and 11 years on the Bench, including in commercial law, regulatory enforcement, criminal law and administrative law.”
“The Bar Association also congratulates and thanks Chief Justice Kiefel for her extraordinary service as Chief Justice of the High Court since 2017. She has been a pioneer in so many respects and will be rightly remembered for the clarity of her judgments, ability to unify the court on matters of previously contested principle in a manner that gave clear guidance to trial courts, and progressive leadership of the High Court,” Ms Bashir said.
Contact details:
Michael Bodey 0491 844 487; mbodey@nswbar.asn.au