Queensland Pacific Metals Limited (ASX: QPM) (“QPM” or the “Company”) proudly announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, QPM Energy (QPME), has secured Federal Government approval under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) for its proposed Northern Hub.
With this approval in hand, QPME has now received all essential consents, including native title requirements, for the Northern Hub, paving the way for new infrastructure developments. This infrastructure will capture waste gas from coal mines situated to the north of current operations and subsequently connect them to the existing North Queensland Gas Pipeline (NQGP).
Project Overview:
The Northern Hub, situated 43 km north of the Moranbah Project, will feature a state-of-the-art gas compression facility and a high-pressure pipeline. This will facilitate seamless integration into the NQGP infrastructure.
It's noteworthy that QPME has already garnered the Queensland State Government's endorsement for the project and has successfully executed an Indigenous Land Use Agreement.
The recent notification from the Minister for the Environment and Water approving the Northern Hub under the EPBC Act is accompanied by conditions typical of such infrastructural developments.
Driving Sustainable Development:
With these pivotal approvals in place, QPME is in a strong position to further its dialogues with coal miners in the region. The goal is to collect and make productive use of waste gas. Some of the key target mines for this initiative include:
- North Goonyella (Owned by Peabody);
- Wards Well (Owned by Stanmore); and
- Iron Bark (Owned by Fitzroy Australia Resources).
Contact details:
Jane Morgan