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Finance Investment, Oil Mining Resources

Queensland Pacific Metals (ASX: QPM) – ILUA executed for QPME Northern Hub

Queensland Pacific Metals Limited (ASX: QPM) 2 mins read

Key Highlights:

  • QPME Northern Hub has executed an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (“ILUA”) with Traditional Owners, Widi Aboriginal Corporation (“WAC”).

  • The environmental approvals for the Northern Hub development are approaching their final stages.

  • Upon securing these approvals, QPME will be in a prime position to roll out new infrastructure. This will facilitate the collection of waste gas from coal mines situated north of its current operations, integrating them into the existing QPME system.

Queensland Pacific Metals Limited (ASX: QPM) (“QPM” or the “Company”) is thrilled to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, QPM Energy (“QPME”), has successfully executed an ILUA with the Traditional Owners, WAC.

QPME Carbon Abatement Hub

The QPME waste gas collection project is bifurcated into two main hubs: the Northern Hub and the Southern Hub. The latter encompasses the recently procured Moranbah Project along with all the related gas processing and compression infrastructure.

Positioned approximately 40km north of Moranbah, the Northern Hub is strategically located in a segment of the Northern Bowen Basin renowned for its high gas volumes. As part of QPME's forward-looking strategy, there are plans to develop new infrastructure within the Northern Hub. This will facilitate the collection of additional waste gas, paving the way for a substantial increase in production. For more details, refer to the ASX announcement dated 25 November 2022.

Indigenous Land Use Agreement

QPME extends its acknowledgment to the Traditional Owners of the land associated with the Northern Hub, the Widi People. The company has forged an ILUA with WAC, which stands as the legal representative for the Widi People. This agreement marks a significant milestone for QPME, fulfilling the essential Native Title requirements. In alignment with the terms of the ILUA, QPME has pledged its commitment to offer employment, education, and training opportunities to the Widi community.

Comment attributable to WAC. “The Widi people welcome and support QPM Energy’s developments in the Northern Bowen Basin and we look forward to working with David Wrench and his team on opportunities. We further endorse QPM Energy’s carbon abatement strategy, capturing waste gas from these mines and minimising the effect on our land and the environment around us.”

Contact details:

Jane Morgan


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