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Sink or Swim? Sunday Rally to Keep the Adelaide Aquatic Centre Open

Supporters Of the Aquatic Centre Inc. (SOAC Inc.) < 1 mins read

The Government is breaking its promise to keep the existing Adelaide Aquatic Centre open till the new one is built. All public consultation showed the new one finished before the existing one was closed. Then plans were released without any consultation which closed the existing centre 18 months before the new one is ready. A thriving health and well-being community will be evicted with nowhere to go. Lifesavers Association statistics from the Covid closure predict there will be additional child drownings resulting from suspension of swimming lessons. Our senior swimmers will lose established health habits and face earlier hospitalisation.Many friendship and ethnic communities will be disbanded. One hundred casual and 30 permanent staff will lose their jobs.Thousands will be dispossessed.

Attached is an open letter to Minister Koutsantonis setting out our position. He gave two reasons for closure. 1 Operational Reasons - which we think are inadequate and which we had no access to check the details. 2 Timing reasons - so that the Premier can snip the ribbon a few weeks before the next election.

We see the closure as entirely unnecessary as there is plenty of space to build the new centre before the old one is closed. 

We are holding a Public Rally this Sunday 17th September in front of the Aquatic Centre. YOU ARE INVITED.

Enquiries: Fuzzy Trojan Chairperson SOAC Inc. 0419901133

About us:

SOAC is a not for profit incorporated association. Our objective is to represent the interests of users of the Adelaide Aquatic Centre who are OVERWHELMINGLY opposed to closure of the existing centre before the new one is ready.


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