Everybody’s Home has welcomed a deal struck for more social housing funding.
The federal government will invest an additional $1 billion in public and community housing this year in exchange for the Green’s support to pass the Housing Australia Future Fund. The funding boost is on top of the government’s recent $2 billion injection.
Everybody’s Home spokesperson Maiy Azize said the development is welcome.
“This additional direct investment in social housing is desperately needed and will make a difference to thousands of people who are waiting for a home,” Ms Azize said.
“Australia’s housing crisis can’t end without addressing the massive shortfall of 640,000 social homes.
“Passing the Housing Australia Future Fund is important but it simply won’t be enough to turn this crisis around on its own. We can’t end the shortfall without sustained significant, direct investments like we’ve seen today.
“We congratulate the government for investing more in social housing, and encourage them to keep this momentum going. Australia needs regular investments like these to plug the social housing shortfall.”
Media contact: Sofie Wainwright 0403 920 301