Council to Homeless Persons has welcomed Victoria’s commitment to build 231 homes in Carlton, but says the State Government is starting from the back of the pack on public and community housing and much more is needed.
CHP CEO Deborah Di Natale says today’s Social Housing Accelerator announcement – the first of a joint Victorian and federal government commitment for a cumulative 769 social homes – is a step in the right direction.
“Governments must show leadership like this federal-state agreement if we’re serious about tackling the severe lack of housing across Victoria,” she said.
“Looking at the big picture, fewer than 800 social homes will barely make a dent in the crisis.
“We need to build our way out of Victoria’s housing crisis with 6,000 homes a year – or 60,000 over the coming decade – to bring Victoria to the same level of social housing as other states.
“We are starting from the back of the pack with social housing. Just 2.9 per cent of households are in public and community homes, putting Victoria behind every other state and territory.
“This is going to require sustained action. The housing statement needs a plan for ongoing investment in social housing.
“Each night, 30,000 people do not have a safe or stable place to sleep. We are falling far short of what is needed to reverse this trend.
“It was encouraging to hear the Premier say the government’s social housing commitments will be bold. That’s exactly what we need to arrest increasing homelessness.
“It’s becoming impossible for too many vulnerable people to find safe and affordable housing.”
“We know the government is aware of how serious the situation is. Now we urge them to take decisive action to fix the housing crisis.”
Contact details:
Matt Coughlan 0400 561 480
Georgie Moore 0477 779 928