Monday, 4 September is World Leukaemia Day and the Leukaemia Foundation is urging all Australians impacted by the disease to do one simple action…reach out for support.
There are more than 5,200 Australians diagnosed with leukaemia each year[i], with this number set to more than double by 2035.
Seven in 10 people with a blood cancer like leukaemia will face emotional challenges, and almost 40% of them have a lot of questions or feel completely uncertain about their diagnosis.[ii]
According to Leukaemia Foundation CEO Chris Tanti, more Australians than ever are experiencing the devastation of a leukaemia or another type of blood cancer diagnosis, with more support desperately required.
“A blood cancer diagnosis can be devastating, disruptive and an emotional rollercoaster, with many Australians thrust into lifesaving treatment within hours of diagnosis,” Mr Tanti said.
“The Leukaemia Foundation can offer these Australians access to life-changing, wraparound health services and support from the moment they are diagnosed, during treatment, and throughout their entire journey to remission and beyond.”
The introduction of Australia’s first and only dedicated blood cancer support line ensures that every person facing blood cancer can access specialised support and services in one simple step.
“The Leukaemia Foundation’s experienced blood cancer support professionals are only a phone call away."
“We urge every single person impacted by leukaemia, or any type of blood cancer including myeloma and lymphoma, to not delay and pick up the phone and call us today.”
Whether you’re living with blood cancer, undergoing treatment, in remission, a carer, or grieving the loss of a loved one, the Leukaemia Foundation is available to guide you through the emotional, physical, and psychosocial challenges of blood cancer in a safe and supportive way.
Anyone impacted by blood cancer, at any age and stage, can contact Australia’s blood cancer support line Monday to Friday via calling 1800 620 420 or visit
We have a number of Australians personally impacted by leukaemia who are ready to share their story with your audience.
If you would like to speak to a local from your area impacted by leukaemia this World Leukaemia Day, please email
*Please note – we will endeavour to find a suitable person impacted by blood cancer in your local area or a close radius, but with blood cancer patients located across the country, this may not always be possible.
Chris is available to speak on the importance of the Leukaemia Foundation’s services and support in relation to Australia’s first and only blood cancer support line.
About us:
About the Leukaemia Foundation: The Leukaemia Foundation has been named Australia's most reputable cancer charity and third most reputable charity overall. We stand with Australia to help cure and conquer blood cancer – with care. Together we are attacking every blood cancer, from every direction, in every way we can. We stand beside every Australian to be their voice and their someone-to-turn to, fighting to get them access to the best care. We also accelerate research that is delivering rapid advancements in blood cancer diagnosis and treatments. Plus, we provide services and support that empower people living with any blood cancer to live well after diagnosis. You can learn more about the Leukaemia Foundation and blood cancer at
Contact details:
To speak to a local from your area impacted by leukaemia or to arrange an interview with the Leukaemia Foundation CEO Chris Tanti, please email