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Foreign Affairs Trade

APAN responds to Israeli embassy video screening

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network < 1 mins read

Quotes attributed to Australia Palestine Advocacy Network President Nasser Mashni:

“The world has rightly condemned the violent attacks on civilians. We have condemned the attack on all civilians be they Jewish, Muslim, Christian, atheist or other.”

“However, one atrocity does not justify another. Hamas’ actions occurred on one black day. Israel has been perpetrating that horror on the people of Gaza for 24 black days now, and for over 27,000 days before October 7. Israel has now killed more than 8,000 people, including 3,747 children. That’s a precious child on average each and every 10 minutes since October 7.” 

“Is Israel seeking to blur the line between the Palestinian people of Gaza and Hamas, to justify the killing of thousands more innocents in Gaza?”

“This is nothing but a desperate bid to stem the growing international criticism of the war crimes being committed by Israel in Gaza.”

"It is time people of good conscience in Australia demand that all life be equally valued, that all babies, women and men are precious. Israel’s eye for an eye revenge plan will only see all those involved blinded."


About us:

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) works for Australian policy that supports Palestinian human rights, justice, and equality.

Contact details:

Lauren Salathiel
0491 941 253

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