Media release | Thursday October 5 2023
At its meeting earlier today, the independent Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee backed the Voice as a major reform to support economic inclusion for First Nations peoples.
EIAC Chair Jenny Macklin said: “We know that we get the best outcomes when the people affected by policies have a say in how those policies are designed. The Voice will deliver this outcome for First Nations people who face serious economic disadvantage across the country.”
Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre CEO and committee member Emily Carter said: “The time has come for us to think differently. First Nations peoples are the oldest living culture in the world. I hope the Australian community will walk with us so we can all be stronger.”
The EIAC is made up of 14 prominent Australians across economics, academia, philanthropy and the community sector to advise the federal government on addressing disadvantage and boosting economic participation.
Members include ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, ACTU Secretary Sally McManus, Business Council of Australia CEO Bran Black, University of Melbourne Truby Williams Economics Professor Jeff Borland, ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods Associate Professor Ben Phillips, and Impact Economics and Policy Lead Economist Angela Jackson.
For more information, call Georgie Moore on 0477 779 928