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Education Training, General News

Share your messages of appreciation on World Teachers’ Day

AITSL 2 mins read

“Hats off” to Aussie teachers on World Teachers’ Day

We all had a teacher who inspired us or helped us navigate through a situation where we didn’t think we could do it.
Australia’s teachers are an amazing, resilient group of professionals, who continue to make a positive impact on the nation’s 4 million learners.

At the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) we’re proud of our teachers and school leaders – and today, on World Teachers’ Day, we invite everyone to join us and celebrate their achievements and the value they continue to bring to the community.

AITSL CEO Mark Grant states, “It’s a great time to acknowledge the more than half a million teachers and school leaders who are registered or accredited against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, for their dedication and commitment to the profession.

“Teaching is a challenging profession, and our teachers and school leaders continue to work tirelessly both inside and outside the classroom. Today is about us sharing our messages about the positive impact teachers have made in our lives.”

AITSL wants everyone to take a “hats off” selfie and share their message of appreciation on social media using the hashtag #WorldTeachersDay2023 and tagging @aitsl.

Mr Grant continues, “Last World Teachers’ Day, more than 4.5 million people took their “hats off” to teachers, sharing their messages far and wide across social media. We are so glad this positive message can reach so many Australians.”
Campaign ambassador Adam Voight, CEO of Real Schools, agrees. “Sending messages of gratitude on social media today is an easy way for Australians to acknowledge the special role teachers have played, and will always play, in our lives.

“It’s a day where teachers and school leaders should also reflect and look at everything they have achieved as an educator and the hurdles they have overcome and the positive impact they have had in their school community,” Voight said.

Teacher campaign ambassador, Kate Ingliss, said, “As teachers, we have many responsibilities, we are not just teaching our students the curriculum, but life skills too. We are their mentor, confidant and advocate”.

Principal campaign ambassador, Kimberley Tempest, continues, “I see teachers everyday inspiring our students to think beyond their challenges, toward meaningful goals to achieve their dreams.”

Join the campaign now by going to or AITSL’s social media channels and post your “hats off’ message today.

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About us:

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) provides national leadership for the Australian, state and territory governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership. AITSL is funded by the Australian Government.

Contact details:

0421 187 894 /


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