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Business Company News, Finance Investment

South-Western Sydney’s Fast Track Factory to the Millionaire’s club:

Urban Clean 2 mins read

South-Western Sydney’s Fast Track Factory to the Millionaire’s club: 

Bell Elassad started his business less than two years ago. Last month, he made more money in one month than many bankers, lawyers, or property developers. 


However, Bell doesn’t work in a hedge-fund, barrister chambers or on a building project. Bell’s business is cleaning. 


Bell Elassad used to work at Sydney airport as a maintenance engineer. In 2021, thanks to Covid lockdowns, his hours were drastically reduced so he needed a side hustle to make ends meet. Bell’s goal was to achieve an income that was consistent, strong, and resilient 


He made the decision to buy a franchise in Australia’s fastest growing franchise brand Urban Clean, founded by entrepreneur Damien Boehm. With clients in the Liverpool, Ingleburn, Moorebank, and Preston areas, in his first month Bell’s ‘side-business’ in commercial cleaning made $2650.00 Within six months he’d increased his income by 430% 


Since making the decision to become part of the Urban Clean family, Bell has left his engineering job and purchased a second franchise, which sees him earn about $30k a month. 

“Becoming part of the Urban Clean family is the best decision I could have made for my financial future. Right from the start, I was set up with the tools to succeed and because of the Urban Clean method and systems it isn’t a question of IF you grow but HOW FAST grow,” said Bell. 

Bell is among dozens of people around Australia who have turned their financial lives around and are on a fast track to the millionaire’s club. 

Founder and CEO Damien Boehm says: 


On Cleaning: 

“I want people to see a cleaning business as a phenomenal business to get involved in. A lot of people look down on the cleaning industry, preferring to get into property development, Tech or AI, but I would say that there’s probably more millionaires in the cleaning industry than any other industry. Among our Urban Clean franchisees, we’ve had lot of people be able to buy houses, have lifestyles that they never thought possible, provide for their children, achieve financial and lifestyle freedom. This is what we’re about and what Urban Clean is achieving.”


On Mentorship in Franchising:

“I’ve always had the view that the best way to pull people up is also to say, ‘hey, this is what I’ve done, these are some of the mistakes I’ve made, these are some of my successes, and here’s how we can help you achieve that. Mentorship is a big part of our franchise system - it’s not just training and coaching, but also mentoring people and being their ongoing support.” 


For further content, visual assets, or interviews with Damien Boehm and Bell Elassad please contact: 


Giulia Sirignani


0452 192690


Robyn Foyster


0408 651219




Contact details:

Giulia Sirignani


0452 192690


Robyn Foyster


0408 651219


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