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Industrial Relations

APA (NSW) Paramedic Strike Action – Press Conference

Australian Paramedics Assocaition (NSW) < 1 mins read

Please find attached a press release from the Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) regarding the union’s escalation of Paramedic industrial action, including strike action, to secure a fair pay rise for Paramedics from the NSW Government.


A press conference on these announcements, including details on strike action, will be held by APA (NSW) on Thursday 23 November at 9am, behind NSW Parliament in The Domain (along Hospital Rd).

Speaking and taking questions will be:

Mr Brett Simpson - APA (NSW) President and Intensive Care Paramedic
Dr Amanda Cohn MLC – Greens NSW Spokesperson for Health, Chair of the NSW Parliament Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health, and formerly a GP.

Contact details:

APA (NSW) Industrial Officer / Organiser Jaspar McCahon-Boersma at 0481 577 310.


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