The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is thrilled to announce the Koala of the Month award, which celebrates and spotlights remarkable Koalas who embody the Aussie spirit.
The AKF is excited to spotlight Jimmie Jams the Koala for the inaugural award. At only five years old, Jimmie Jams has a personality as cheeky as his furry face suggests. His zest for life and joy is a ‘Koala-ity’ that reminds everyone just how important it is to safeguard Australian animals.
Deborah Tabart OAM and Chair of the Australian Koala Foundation, believes Jimmie Jams perfectly embodies the Aussie ‘larrikin’ spirit.
“The Koala of the Month initiative is a great way of spotlighting Koalas who are a part of our Adoption Program, and to remind people of each Koala’s individuality and the important role they play in our world.”
“We’re over the moon to crown Jimmie Jams with the first Koala of the Month award. He’s a true Aussie Larrikin – always looking for playful ways of pushing boundaries with his Keepers! Jimmie Jams is the perfect reminder to keep things light and to find our humour.” Says Tabart.
Known for swinging on and off the scales on weigh day – even when it’s not his turn – and pinching extra large servings of dinner, Jimmie Jams is a fluffy force to be reckoned with. Now, father to several joeys and expecting another one in a few months, Jimmie Jams has grown to be a sweet Koala and role model.
Head Keeper of Ballarat Wildlife Park, Cass Hancock, has been by Jimmie Jams’ side since day one and is overjoyed that he has been crowned this award.
“I’ve worked with Jimmie Jams since he was a tiny Joey, so I’m certainly like a proud mum right now! It’s amazing to see his journey and development into fatherhood– he’s not quite the troublesome young boy he once was.”
I’m excited that he’s the winner of the Koala of the Month award. Hopefully, people will learn a little more about him and why it’s so important to contribute to the conservation of the Koalas. Every adoption makes a significant difference.” says Hancock.
Jimmie Jams is one of many Koalas living at the Ballarat Wildlife Park under constant care and supervision. Unfortunately, Jimmie Jams’ happily ever after is an uncommon story for Koalas and many that remain in the wild face constant threats.
“Habitat loss and human interference are two of the biggest threats to the Koala and have led to a significant decline in the population. Jimmie Jams is a reminder that every Koala’s life is precious.” Tabart says.
“We’re calling on all Koala and animal lovers to rally behind this charismatic Koala of the Month. His charm and personality have earned him the spotlight, and now people have the chance to be part of his incredible journey. Adopting Jimmie Jams means that you’re supporting all wild Koalas and conservation efforts to protect their habitat.”
For more information on how to adopt Jimmie Jams or any of his bush-bound buddies, head to our adoption page on Supporters can also contribute by directly donating, planting a tree, or shopping online to support the Australian Koala Foundation’s conservation efforts.
About us:
About the Australian Koala Foundation
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the principal non-profit, non-government organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild Koala and its habitat. AKF aims to refine and update the Koala Habitat Atlas mapping of all wild Koala habitat and to get the Koala Protection Act enacted, ensuring longevity of Koalas and their habitat.
Contact details:
Media contacts
Office: (07) 3229 7233
Mobile: 0428 104 255