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Veterans Affairs

Media Release – Minister Keogh – Major funding boost for veteran services and supports

Department of Veterans' Affairs 3 mins read










21 November 2023

major FUNDING BOOST FOR VETERAN Services and supports

The Albanese Government is further delivering on our commitment to improve access to services and supports for veterans and their families.

Today I’m proud to announce that almost $17 million will go towards improving veteran and families services, supports and coordination where they’re needed most.

The Veteran Wellbeing Grants One-Off Program was established to complement and build on the Government’s existing Veterans’ & Families’ Hub program, in support of large scale projects that will benefit the health and wellbeing of veterans and families.

The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has made it clear there is no time to waste in improving services and supports to the veteran community.

This Program supports larger projects that can be implemented quickly to deliver the services that veterans and families need, in the areas they need it most.

Organisations were invited to apply for funding for projects based on factors such as the nature and maturity of the project, the project’s ability to provide support to areas with significant Defence and veteran populations, local needs and the availability or access to existing services.

The Program demonstrates the Albanese Government’s ongoing commitment to providing support to established and innovative ex-service organisations and veteran service providers in the communities where veterans live, to deliver a better future for veterans and families.



Stephanie Mathews (Minister Keogh’s Office): 0407 034 485

DVA Media:


For more information on the VWG One-Off Program, visit the Department of Veterans’ Affairs website: Veteran Wellbeing Grants One-Off Program | Department of Veterans' Affairs (

The full list of successful applicants are in the table below.



Funding description

Amount $

4 Aussie Heroes

Allow uplift of Camp Courage, a live-in rural retreat facility to comprise of up 18 buildings


Australian Catholic University


Expand its higher education support services for veterans and families through ACU Veterans and Families Education Unit


Australian Special Air Service Association WA


To refurbish the ASASAWA Wellbeing project facility including the upgrade, realign and weatherproofing of existing stairs and lift access


Largs Bay Returned and Services League (RSL) Sub-Branch

Train RSL accredited Welfare Support Officers to deliver wellbeing services to vulnerable and otherwise socially isolated veterans and their families


Plympton Glenelg RSL

Increasing connection and access for the South East Veteran Community.


Pro Patria Centre

Pro Patria Centre expansion for Riverina veteran community including training and workshop facilities.


RSL LifeCare

The planning phase of the Bardia Barracks Veterans’ and Families’ Hub Project to be completed


RSL LifeCare

Riverina Veterans’ and Families’ Hub Project


RSL LifeCare

To open a Veteran and Family Hub within the Central Coast region, to provide support to the local veterans and their families


RSL Qld / Mates4Mates

To support the physical and digital establishment of a Veteran and Family Wellbeing Hub on the Sunshine Coast


RSL Victoria

Uplift existing hub infrastructure located at Frankston RSL to provide an improved worker and visitor experience


Sale RSL & Community Sub-Branch (Gippsland Veterans Centre)

Refurbishment and upgrade of the Gippsland Veterans’ Welfare Centre to provide a safe and welcoming environment to deliver wellbeing services




Refurbish the buildings and facilities at Camp SMEAC, a former sports and recreation camp


  St John of God

A mental health wellbeing program tailored specifically for female veterans and female partners of veterans


Recovery and restoration – Veterans Transition Centre

Community based support group that collaborates with the Veteran Transition Centre to provide a network of assistance to veterans


Totally and Partially Disabled Veterans of WA

To refurbish their facility and bring it up to standard that will better meet the needs of veterans’ welfare


Vasey RSL Care

Individualised housing and support services for veterans experiencing or at risk of homelessness


Veterans Wellbeing Network  Mid-North Coast

The Mid North Coast Veterans Community Wellbeing Enhancement Project to enhance the veteran community’s social connectedness, access to health and wellbeing support, and broader wellbeing


Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia – Tasmania

Fit out a multi-purpose education and training facility with modern equipment (including Wi-Fi capability) in a manner conducive to evidence-informed adult-learning principles for training/educational workshops, face to face and Team/Zoom meetings


Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia

Upgrade Camp Andrew Russell to a safer level for use by both veterans and their families


Wounded Heroes

Upgrade Head Office to provide additional private spaces for veterans to access services and supports. Purchase a vehicle to assist with transporting veterans.






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