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Government Federal, Mental Health

Prevent a Suicide: What To Say

Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation 3 mins read

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“Suicide and attempted suicide are the commonest causes of death and injury between the ages of 15 and 49, male or female, in Australia." (ABS) 


Suicide and attempted suicide are the commonest causes of death and injury in our country at any age between 15 and 45. It is more than twice as common as car accidents as a cause of death and injury. (Australian Bureau of Statistics; Australian Institute of Health and Welfare).”

The Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation today said the fear of not knowing what to say or being frightened of saying the wrong thing is a common barrier in the fight against suicide.

Clinical Associate Professor David Horgan


Clinical Associate Professor David Horgan, the founder of the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation said 40% of all people will have contact at some time in life with a person close to us who has strong suicidal ideas, which may be brief or go on for weeks or longer.”

“Establishing a connection with a family member, friend, or workmate to let them know you are there to help them can save their life.”  

Dr. Horgan, said the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation, had developed the “Prevent A Suicide: What to Say" programme aimed at giving individuals and the community a safety net to immediately wrap around anyone close to them who mentions suicide, so that the person’s safety can become a shared effort involving both the community and professionals.

YouTube Video - Effects of Suicide Thinking 'no none will miss me' -


The Free App "Prevent A Suicide: What to Say", is a bank of medically approved text messages which family and friends can download with one click and send to a suicidal person as texts or WhatsApp appropriate messages.

Dr. Horgan said "Prevent A Suicide - What to Say" is more than just an App. It is a way to show someone that you care that you understand, and that you are there for them."

“It is a way to prevent a suicide by sending a message, saving a life! 

Dr. Horgan said "having direct free access to the “Prevent a Suicide What to Say App” twenty-four hours a day through a computer or mobile phone is a major advantage for people in an emergency and can be easily shared" .

The In Tough Times Text website and the "Prevent A Suicide: What to Say" App are available 24/7. No training is required. There are no signups which ensures privacy.  

Website Link


Download FREE App

Link to App store for FREE "Prevent A Suicide: What to Say"

Link to Google Play for "Prevent A Suicide: What to Say"


Suicide Statistics In Australia

“Suicide and attempted suicide are the commonest causes of death and injury between the ages of 15 and 49, male or female, in Australia." (ABS) 

"Over 3 million Australians have had serious thoughts of suicide and over one million have attempted suicide in their lifetime." (ABS)

"Most people are afraid of saying the wrong thing or don’t know what to say to a person mentioning suicide." (Resolve Strategic 2022)

Clinical Associate Professor David Horgan, MB, BCH, BAO, DPM, MRCPSYCH, MPHIL, FRANZCP, FRCPEDIN, MD Founder, Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation, is available for interview. He is based in Melbourne and is available for interview on Zoom.


About us:

About the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation.

Click Here

Contact details:

Media Enquiries:

Contact Ron Smith OAM, Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation

Mobile: 0417 329 201 ,

to arrange an interview with Clinical Associate Professor David Horgan, the founder of the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation.

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