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Business Company News, CharitiesAidWelfare

Media alert. Gender pay gap: Company data published for the first time. What can businesses do to bring it down?

Our Watch < 1 mins read

Today many workers across Australia for the first time can see what the gender pay gap looks like in their workplace. The Our Watch Institute Director Cara Gleeson is available to provide expert commentary, focusing on how businesses can bring down the gender pay gap by boosting gender equality.  

“The great news is the gender pay gap is dropping, however at a median gap of 19% it’s too high, and over a woman’s lifetime she loses more than $1 million on average,” Ms Gleeson said. “The release of this data will help businesses understand their organisation’s pay gap and help drive change that can speed up the reduction in the pay gap.” 

Spokesperson: Cara Gleeson, Director, Our Watch Institute

Date: 27/2/2024

Time: From 6 am

Location: By phone, video call, or in person, subject to availability, in Melbourne CBD 

Media Contact 

Please contact Susan Cullinan, Senior Media Adviser, or 0448 844 930.

Covering a story about violence against women

Please include the tagline below when covering a story about violence against women:  

“If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, family or domestic violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit In an emergency, call 000.” 

To access guides for reporting about violence against women and their children, visit  Media Making Change. 

Our Watch Institute 

The Our Watch Institute is a profit-for-purpose consultancy that provides tailored guidance and support to workplaces to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women.  

It draws on the skills and expertise of Australia’s national leader in violence prevention, Our Watch, and has been established with the contribution of founding partner the Goodman Foundation.  


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