Friends of the Earth (FoE) is welcoming the draft decision by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to save an important Queensland wetland from inappropriate development.
The Minister has rejected a plan to build high rise apartments and a shopping development on the internationally recognised, Ramsar-listed wetland at Toondah Harbour in Moreton Bay, Queensland.
The development would have destroyed a crucial stop off and feeding point for migratory birds, and has been made after a long and determined campaign by our allies in the environment movement.
Friends of the Earth Campaigner Jeff Waters said the decision was warmly welcomed, and was an obvious one to make.
"It's extremely encouraging to see this Federal Government taking such an important stand to save Toondah Harbour," Jeff Waters said.
"After recent decisions like this one, Minister Plibersek is certainly displaying a commitment to preserve Ramsar wetlands that Australia has promised to preserve for the entire global community."
"We look forward to seeing the minister continue to stand up for Ramsar wetlands whenever they are threatened in the future," he said.
"Even though this government continues to approve new fossil fuel developments, this is one occasion where an Australian government minister has reached out and offered a helping hand to the environment."
Contact details:
Jeff Waters
Friends of the Earth
0498 111 261