Litchfield Minerals Limited (ASX:LMS) (“Litchfield” of the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Lucy Creek tenement, (EL 33568) has been granted for an initial 6 year period. The Lucy Creek tenement is located approximately 400 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs (refer Figure 1) and is an 'early-stage' exploration project that encompasses an area of 791.64 square kilometres.
The Company considers that the project is prospective for several exploration models, namely:
1) high‐grade manganese‐iron deposits, potentially associated with elevated rare earth elements (REE) and possible cobalt mineralisation;
2) REE mineralisation associated with Georgina Basin carbonate sediments, similar to known occurrences elsewhere in the basin;
3) Kimberlitic diamond mineralisation; and
4) Mississippi Valley style base metal mineralisation hosted by Georgina Basin sediments.
Matthew Pustahya, Managing Director commented on the granting on the Lucy Creek Exploration Licence.
“The granting of our second exploration licence is great news for Litchfield as it now provides Litchfield with exploration optionality. In the short term, we have commenced desk top studies on Lucy Creek, while the Company focuses its exploration activities on the Mount Doreen tenement.”
About us:
Litchfield Minerals is a critical mineral explorer, primarily searching for base metals and uranium out of the Northern Territory of Australia. Our mission is to be a pioneering copper exploration company committed to delivering cost-effective, innovative and sustainable exploration solutions.
Contact details:
Jane Morgan