29 April 2024
SafeWork NSW is representing workplace regulators at Unions NSW‘s 2024 International Day of Mourning event, where we take time to reflect on those who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace-related incidents.
Data provided by Safe Work Australia shows in 2023, 175 workers were killed while at work in Australia. The International Day of Mourning is an opportunity to highlight the preventable nature of workplace incidents and deaths.
SafeWork NSW continues to conduct compliance activities across all industries to drive down the number of workplace incidents.
An International Day of Mourning service will take place today at Reflection Park at Sydney’s Darling Harbour to recognise the importance of the day and to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in a workplace incident.
The service will be live streamed on the Unions NSW Facebook page or via the Unions NSW website.
Quotes to be attributed to Head of SafeWork NSW Trent Curtin:
“Workplace incidents can cause life changing injuries, illness and death. SafeWork NSW will continue to collaborate with workers statewide to ensure their voices are heard in order to bring down the number of these incidents.
“As the state’s workplace regulator, SafeWork NSW continues to see workplace incidents which are absolutely avoidable. Last financial year, nearly 9,000 workplace incidents were reported to SafeWork, and we are dedicated to bringing these concerning figures down.
"The International Day of Mourning is a day to remember loved ones who have been killed or injured at work. It reminds us all that we still need to have tough conversations regarding workplace safety and the too often tragic outcomes of workplace incidents.”
MEDIA: media@customerservice.nsw.gov.au | 0438 108 797