WHAT: Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) – Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation – will be in Hobart today for its popular information forum, supporting locals affected by breast cancer.
WHEN: TODAY, Thursday 2 May
WHERE: RACV Hobart Hotel, 154-156 Collins St, Hobart, 7000
TIMES: Media are welcome between 9.00 (9.30 am start) – 3.00 pm
BACKGROUND: BCNA’s Living Well Information Forum covers a range of topics including current and emerging treatments, strategies to enhance physical and emotional wellbeing, lymphoedema management, and living well during treatment and beyond.
It will give your fellow local attendees the opportunity to connect, network, share lived experiences, and understand what support and resources are available both locally and through BCNA.
BCNA CEO, Kirsten Pilatti
BCNA Director of Policy, Advocacy & Support Services, Vicki Durston
Registrations for the in-person event or virtual places are FREE and open right up until the start time via the BCNA website.
Guest speakers:
Medical oncologist: Dr Michelle White
Oncology Social Worker: Dr Carrie Lethborg
Exercise Physiologist: Dr Katie Jane Brickwood
Lymphologist: Professor Neil Piller (appearing via video)
Breast Care Nurses: Val Smith, Monica Werner, Sharon Carey & Stacey Regan
Plus, local panel discussion
If you require quotes, content, or an interview please reach out and our team can coordinate this for you.
Media Contact:
Carissa McQualter, Communications Specialist
0405 928 476
About us:
About BCNA
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is the peak national organisation for Australians affected by breast cancer, and consists of a network of more than 175,000 individual members. BCNA supports, informs, represents and connects Australians affected by breast cancer and works to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their individual needs.
Visit our newly refreshed website www.bcna.org.au to find out more about how we support those affected by breast cancer and their supporters.