Tonight’s federal budget includes important commitments to build clean energy manufacturing, reform its energy market and improve the nation’s electrical skill base, critical steps towards universal electrification of the nation’s homes, according to Rewiring Australia.
"Australia needs to massively expand its pool of electricians and energy workers so they can install solar, storage and electric appliances on millions of homes and build renewable energy on the grid,” said Dr Saul Griffith, chief scientist and co-founder of Rewiring Australia.
“The Government’s $91 million commitment to accelerate the development of a clean energy workforce is vital and overdue.
"The Future Made in Australia announcements of $22.7 billion to create clean energy industries are important for the economy and climate. As we saw during the COVID crisis, every advanced nation needs to make a range of essential products, and for decades to come,” Dr Griffith said. “It makes sense to invest in Australian manufacturing in industries where we have a competitive advantage, like green minerals and metals. Investment should focus on providing the capital to startups and disruptors, and educational reform investing in disruptors and university research."
Executive director, Dan Cass said: “The next step on Australia’s journey to Net Zero is for the Australian government to create a low-cost loan scheme for the millions of Australians who cannot afford the up-front investment to ditch expensive gas and petrol for cheap and healthy solar, EVs and electric appliances. This will be central to any credible climate policy at the next election and has unparalleled support across the political spectrum and broader community.”
Rewiring Australia is confident of further progress towards electrification in the coming months. “The government must open up electricity markets to competition from households, so they can generate, store and sell the solar electricity they harvest on an equal footing with the energy giants. By pledging $27.7 million to better integrate community energy resources into the grid the federal government will help reduce the cost of the transition for households.
"After this budget we will continue to work with the government to bring households to the centre of energy and climate policy," Cass said.
"That is the fastest, most cost effective way to reduce energy bills and help households move off dirt, fossil fuel gas onto cleaner, cheaper solar-generated electricity."
Contact: Nick Lucchinelli 0422229032