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Indigenous, National News Current Affairs

Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers Available to Speak on NAIDOC Week and the Role of Allies to help “Keep The Fire Burning”

Evolve Communities 2 mins read
Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers, Co-Directors of Evolve Communities

Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers are the co-directors of Evolve Communities, winners of the prestigious 2024 Telstra Best of Business Award for Building Communities, which recognised their exceptional efforts in fostering unity and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

About Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers:

Aunty Munya Andrews is a respected Aboriginal Elder, author, and cultural educator with a deep passion for sharing Indigenous wisdom. Her co-director, Carla Rogers, is a non-Indigenous community engagement specialist committed to bridging the gap between cultures through education and collaboration. Together, they have dedicated their careers to inspiring non-Indigenous Australians to embrace and learn from Indigenous perspectives, promoting a vision of practical reconciliation and cultural inclusivity.

Key Topics for Discussion:

  • NAIDOC Week: Understanding its significance and the importance of celebrating Indigenous culture and history.

  • Role of Allies: How non-Indigenous people can actively support and advocate for the rights of First Nations peoples.

  • Practical Reconciliation: Insights from their book and how individuals and organisations can implement its principles.

  • Building Communities: The impact of their work and the importance of community engagement in fostering reconciliation.

Quote from Aunty Munya Andrews:

"NAIDOC Week is a time for all Australians to reflect on the rich history and culture of Indigenous peoples. It is also an opportunity for non-Indigenous Allies to step up and take action in supporting our rights and preserving our heritage. 'Keep The Fire Burning' is about maintaining this momentum and ensuring that our stories and voices continue to be heard."

Quote from Carla Rogers:

"Our goal at Evolve Communities is to create a society where Indigenous and non-Indigenous people walk together in mutual respect and understanding. Winning the Telstra Best of Business Award for Building Communities is a testament to the impact of our work and the importance of Practical Reconciliation."

For media inquiries, interview requests, or to book Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers for speaking engagements, please contact:

About Evolve Communities

Evolve Communities is Australia’s trusted authority for Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training and Ally Accreditation.  Led by Aboriginal Elder, Aunty Munya Andrews and Community Engagement Specialist, Carla Rogers, Evolve aims to inspire Allies to create a kinder, more inclusive Australia that celebrates and learns from First Nations people and wisdom.




Note to Editors:

High-resolution images of Aunty Munya Andrews and Carla Rogers, as well as a copy of Practical Reconciliation, are available upon request.

Key Facts:

Key Topics for Discussion:

  • NAIDOC Week: Understanding its significance and the importance of celebrating Indigenous culture and history.

  • Role of Allies: How non-Indigenous people can actively support and advocate for the rights of First Nations peoples.

  • Practical Reconciliation: Insights from their book and how individuals and organisations can implement its principles.

  • Building Communities: The impact of their work and the importance of community engagement in fostering reconciliation.

About us:

Evolve Communities is Australia’s trusted authority for Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training and Ally Accreditation.  Led by Aboriginal Elder, Aunty Munya Andrews and Community Engagement Specialist, Carla Rogers, Evolve aims to inspire Allies to create a kinder, more inclusive Australia that celebrates and learns from First Nations people and wisdom.

Contact details:


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