19 June 2024 - for immediate release
Coalition’s nuclear fantasy would create billions of tonnes more climate pollution
The federal Coalition’s announcement today that they would transition Australia to nuclear reactors is a dangerous distraction from the urgent need to take action to reduce climate pollution this decade.
Solutions for Climate Australia director Dr Barry Traill:
“Let’s be clear - nuclear reactors are not a plan for climate, they’re a fantasy that serves to delay and distract from getting on with climate action.
“This shows a huge failure of leadership by Mr Dutton to come up with a plan to keep Australians safe.
“Nuclear reactors are the most expensive energy source for Australia, produce toxic waste, and would take literally decades to build, during which coal and gas giants would continue to produce billions of tonnes of additional climate emissions.
“Our recent report showed that conservatively at least 2.3 billion tonnes of additional climate pollution would be released if this nuclear reactor fantasy was pursued.
“We are already seeing the impacts of climate - we can’t afford to wait, action this decade is critical. We have clean sun and wind energy right here right now, already powering 40% of our electricity grid.
“To have a credible climate policy, the federal Coalition must focus on replacing coal and gas with clean renewable energy.”
Contact details:
Media inquiries: Director of Climate Solutions Australia, Dr. Barry Traill, 0448 793334