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Government VIC


Wednesday, 31 July 2024 2 mins read

The Allan Labor Government is continuing to put lived experience at the centre of disability reform in Victoria – today publishing the Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission).

Minister for Disability Lizzie Blandthorn thanked the Victorians who advocated for the establishment of the Disability Royal Commission, and who generously and courageously shared their experiences through close to 10,000 submissions.

The Victorian Labor Government will continue to work closely with the other states, territories and the Federal Government on the review and implementation of the report’s recommendations, 45 of which were directed solely at states and territories.

Of the 45 recommendations, the Government has accepted 11, with a further 23 accepted in principle, three accepted in part and eight requiring further review.

The Disability Royal Commission found that the Victorian Labor Government is leading in several areas of disability inclusion, including the protection of rights of people living in Specialist Disability Accommodation, recent changes to the guardianship system and the way that co-design is used to design and deliver programs and services.

The Labor Government’s Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022-2026 focuses on six systemic reforms which align with recommendations from the Disability Royal Commission.  

These reforms build on our investment in family violence, mental health and wellbeing services, education, transport, health and housing to make it easier for people with disability to access the services they need. We are also strengthening legal protections for people with disability and working towards Aboriginal self-determination.

The Labor Government's investment in disability services has almost doubled in the past 10 years, helping the one in six Victorians with a disability get supports they deserve.

The full response can be viewed at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Disability Lizzie Blandthorn

“I want to thank the thousands of Victorians with disability who gave evidence to the Royal Commission and acknowledge their courage in sharing their experiences and knowledge.”

“We have a lot to be proud of in Victoria, but we also know we must continue to work hard every day to make Victoria more inclusive and to provide equal opportunities.”

Media contact: Michaela Weston 0403 483 023 |

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