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Australians invited to March for Koalas and Creatures Great and Small – a parade to celebrate all wildlife this Sunday

Australian Koala Foundation 3 mins read

This Sunday (1st September), the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) will take to the streets of Canberra for its flagship event of the year – the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small. Coinciding with the start of ‘Save the Koala Month’, hundreds of supporters will march in a celebration of Australia’s wildlife, with a strong message that they must be protected.

Anyone from across Australia is invited to join. Canberra residents can expect the city to come alive in a display of commitment, colour and costumes, aiming to showcase the vastness of Australia’s unique fauna and the need to protect them. Collectively, the group will call for the legislative change needed to save not only the Koala, but all Creatures Great and Small.

The March will be led by AKF Chair, Deborah Tabart OAM, who has assumed the identity of ‘Palmy’ the Palm Cockatoo. Palmy is a voice for all animals that face the threat of habitat destruction. Former Senator Dr Bob Brown will walk alongside Palmy as a fellow advocate for the protection of native forest.

All animal-lovers, young and old, are invited to join an animal squadron of their choosing, dressing in costumes inspired by their chosen Australian Creatures. The goal is to bring together animals from every corner of Australia’s Koala habitat and march merrily through the streets of Canberra.

Date: Sunday September 1st 2024
Time: 10am-1pm
Location: Gather at Kings Park, march to Parliament House.

Deborah Tabart OAM, Chair of the Australian Koala Foundation and Commander in Chief of the Koala Army says this event is a celebration, but it is also a message from Australia to our leaders.

“The Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small is going to be a glorious celebration, adorned with the fun and fanfare of a carnival.  But it will also be a strong statement to our political leaders that the Koala habitat of Australia could be protected by the Koala Protection Act” Deborah Tabart OAM says.

“Our country is teeming with life, colour, and species that have taken millions of years to evolve and we are squandering it all, on a daily basis. Every single creature deserves to live in a safe place, without fear of shrinking habitats or human destruction, especially if this is happening due to lack of political will.

“This event will be a message from the people of Australia – enough is enough, stop clearing precious habitat and implement the Koala Protection Act, which will save millions of species.

“For the past thirty-four years, the Australian Koala Foundation has focused on science, research, and reason in the hope of sound town planning. But, sadly in that time the Koala has gone from ‘Common’ to ‘Vulnerable’ and now to ‘Endangered’ due to a lack of action to protect them.

“Before Koalas become ‘Critically Endangered’, which usually means they are gone, we need the people of Australia to join the Koala Army and march with us. The March will be a dazzling spectacle, a joyous celebration of all Creatures Great and Small, with an underlying plea - Australians truly love Koalas and want urgent action to protect them.”

The Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small has been made possible by two anonymous donors, who deeply love Australia and our unique flora and fauna.  

For more information on the event and to register, head to

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About the Australian Koala Foundation:

The Australian Koala Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and effective management of the wild Koala population and its habitat. Since 1986 we have tirelessly worked to ensure a sustainable future for Koalas and the unique biodiversity of Australia.

Media Contacts:

Ashleigh Addison | | 0418 274 428


Media Assets:

•             The Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small Launch Video

•             Koala Imagery

•             Koala B-roll