Former ABC News Director Kate Torney has been appointed as the Director of the Constructive Institute Asia Pacific in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University. The seasoned journalist will take up a Professorship of Practice in the School of Media, Film and Journalism and, through the Constructive Institute, spearhead Monash University’s ambition to counter misinformation and disinformation.
With a distinguished career spanning over two decades at the ABC, along with roles as Chief Executive of the State Library and CEO of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation, Professor Torney brings extensive experience and insight to her new role.
Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Katie Stevenson, welcomed Professor Torney’s appointment, building on the University’s commitment to fostering integrity in journalism while countering misinformation in the media.
“Today’s media landscape is rapidly evolving and enduring constant battles of misinformation, sensationalism and negativity bias. With the appointment of Professor Torney, Monash Arts is excited for the significant impact the Constructive Institute Asia Pacific will have on developing the next generation of journalists with a renewed commitment to news integrity,” Professor Stevenson said.
Professor Torney welcomed the opportunity to play a pivotal role in strengthening and improving public discourse in the media.
“This is a rare moment in time for the media sector – a chance to deliberately be part of the solution to the polarisation and mistrust that we are seeing in so many of our institutions and democracies around the world,” Professor Torney said.
“Monash University is leading the way by joining a global effort to reframe and strengthen the role of journalism in supporting highly engaged, solution-focused communities. That has never been more important and I am excited by the challenge, the sense of urgency and the huge opportunities that lie ahead in this role.”
Professor Torney’s appointment follows the departure earlier this year of the Constructive Institute’s inaugural Director, Stan Grant, who stepped away from the role to focus on himself, his family and explore ways to support his community on country.
Ulrik Haagerup, Founder and CEO of the Danish-headquartered Constructive Institute, welcomed Professor Torney’s appointment and the ongoing partnership with Monash University.
“More than ever the world needs trusted journalism. And the mindset and editorial tools of constructive journalism spreads internationally. Therefore we are proud to partner with Monash University, which in Kate Torney will get the best head to help journalism help democracy in the Asia Pacific region. I look forward to helping her launch The Constructive Institute Asia Pacific next year.”
Professor Torney will commence as Director of the Constructive Institute Asia Pacific in November 2024.
Located at Aarhus University in Denmark, the Constructive Institute’s central mission is to change global news culture to foster healthier democracies. Based within the School of Media, Film and Journalism in Monash University’s Faculty of Arts, Professor Torney will amplify the Constructive Institute’s central mission to change global news culture in the Asia Pacific region, leading projects and debates that embrace global solutions, nuance and dialogue to newsroom cultures.
The Constructive Institute Asia Pacific will add to Monash University’s centres of excellence dedicated to exploring how changes in communication impact the ways in which people live, work, interact and connect.
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