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Koalas Unleash ‘The Mischief’ on Canberra

Australian Koala Foundation 4 mins read

/ˈmɪstʃɪf/, noun: 1. The Collective term for a group of rats.

Canberra, ACT – Wednesday 14 August 2024

Last week, the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) unveiled a trio of rather unusual characters in the heart of Canberra: Prudence, Tony, and Stuart – collectively known as ‘The Mischief’. These rat-attire-clad individuals took their 'lunch break’ alongside AKF Chair, Deborah Tabart OAM, in a light-hearted yet pointed commentary on the bureaucratic and political roadblocks that threaten the survival of Koalas and the recovery process.

These mischievous characters are, in fact, satirical representations of some of the individuals the AKF has encountered over its 36-year history. They epitomise the bureaucratic maze and political rhetoric that stands in the way of urgent legislative action needed to save the Koala.

Deborah Tabart OAM, AKF Chair, said across her 36-year career working to save the Koala, her biggest obstacle has always been the likes of Prudence, Tony and Stuart and many others.

“The Mischief are the masters of smoke and mirrors. They hide behind standard responses, lengthy letters and carefully curated press releases that say nothing at all. They attempt to use big words, powerful signatures and official insignias to disguise their total inaction and glacial pace,” Ms Tabart said. The Koala was listed as Vulnerable in 2012 by Minister Burke and then Minister Ley in 2022 as Endangered. A Koala Recovery Plan should have been written 12 years ago and successive governments have failed the Koala in every way. 

“The Mischief Members are the single biggest roadblocks to saving the Koala, so I thought it was about time I introduced them to the people of Australia. These three characters are the first of many we have set to unveil. Members of the Mischief come from many fields of endeavour, and are all based on real life individuals I have met in the bush and in the seats of power,” Tabart said, with a glint in her eye. 

This cheeky stunt was a prelude to the ‘Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small’ which will take place on Sunday 1st September through the streets of Canberra. The event will be a glorious celebration of all wildlife, with a strong call to our political leaders – our Koalas, and all animals living within their habitat, must be protected. All Australians are invited to join the March, dressing as their favourite animal.

“The Koala and its habitat will not be saved without urgent legislative action – but, The Mischief Members stand in the way of that happening. The Koala will only have a chance of survival when good science and mapping is adopted.  Political interests have to be  put aside and  powerful lobby groups need to be silenced. 

“I’ve tried many different approaches in my career. I’ve sent letters to 15 Environment Ministers. I’ve rattled cages and now I am going to mock the process. Today, I’m having lunch with some rodents; out in the open, instead of them hiding behind closed doors, nibbling away at democracy. I’m doing whatever it takes to shine a spotlight on the plight of the Koala and AKF’s mission to have a Koala Protection Act enacted.”  

To find out more about the upcoming Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small, visit

About the Australian Koala Foundation: The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the principal non-profit, non-government organisation dedicated to the effective management and conservation of the Koala and its habitat. Our main goals are to refine and update the Koala Habitat Atlas mapping of all wild Koala habitat and to get the Koala Protection Act enacted to ensure Koalas and their habitat are protected.

About the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small:
On Sunday the 1st of September 2024 the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small will take to the streets of Canberra. For one day, Australians will come together and represent each and every creature that calls Koala forests their home. From Koalas to kangaroos, emus to echidnas, bilbies to bees. Marchers are encouraged to choose an animal squadron (or suggest your own), dress up as your favourite animal – and make this a truly festive day with a purpose!


Meet the Mischief Members:



Prudence – Approving Laws
Prudence is a very how to do, somewhat posh bureaucrat, who is desperately trying to tow the party line and make sure she’s making her boss happy. That’s her job. Make her boss happy. She’s not there to question the laws, just to make them legal. She tows the line unquestionably.

­­­Tony – Writing government policy
Tony is a bit of a nervous wreck. He does feels a bit helpless and he wants to do the right thing, but he knows no matter how good his work is it ultimately makes no difference. Not one for rocking the boat, Tony just continues to do his work diligently hoping that one day the system will change, and they’ll take his recommendations more seriously.

Stuart – Logging
Stuart has the greatest case of cognitive dissonance on record. He refuses to listen to information that contradicts the idea that logging is the most noble industry in the world. He truly believes that his industry is serving the community. He is completely in denial that cutting down big trees is causing a problem and that one day there will be none left He’s righteous and short sighted. “People need houses, I’m doing a service for the community.” Underneath the bravado he is starting to doubt the longevity of the logging industry and is worried they may have done more damage than good – but he’ll never admit that to himself.

Contact details:

Deborah Tabart OAM
Mobile: 0407 750 668

Communications Officer
Office: (07) 3229 7233
Mobile: 0459 451 916


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