On 13 September 2024, the Human Rights Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, will conduct its first public hearing for its inquiry into Australia's efforts to advocate for the worldwide abolition of the death penalty.
The half day public hearing will hear from representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Attorney-General’s Department, the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Chair of the Subcommittee, Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP, stated that, “this first public hearing will allow us to look at the advocacy role of the Australian Government, gain an overview of Australia’s efforts to date in advocating for the abolition of the death penalty, and examine any progress made against past recommendations on the issue.”
“Australia is a vocal opponent of the death penalty and while there has been a trend over time towards abolition globally, there are still countries, including some of Australia’s closest partners, who currently impose and carry out the death penalty. Continued advocacy is important and nuanced, and looking into Australia’s efforts is critical to understanding what we are doing and what we need to do to be impactful.”
Further information about the Committee’s inquiry is available on the Committee’s website.
Media inquiries
Office of Maria Vamvakinou MP (Member for Calwell; Chair, Human Rights Subcommittee)
Ph: 0477 963 459
Email: Maria.Vamvakinou.MP@aph.gov.au
For background information
Committee Secretariat
Ph: 02 6277 2313
Email: jscfadt@aph.gov.au
For more information about this Committee, you can visit its website. On the site, you can make a submission to an inquiry, read other submissions, and get details for upcoming public hearings. You can also track the Committee and receive email updates by clicking on the blue ‘Track Committee’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the page.