GSK Australia will launch the report, Prevention: A productive superpower – The economic value of adult vaccination in Australia, at Parliament House on Tuesday 8 October 2024.
According to the new report, increasing the investment in adult immunisation will deliver high returns:
Economic growth has slowed, inflation is rising and cost-of-living increases are placing pressure on households. Our population is ageing: demand for care and support services is escalating. These powerful economic forces have the potential to entrench structural deficits, where government spending will outweigh revenue for the foreseeable future. Australia is at a critical decision point. Governments are making decisions on the reforms and investments that can secure our economic sustainability.
The launch of the report will bring together key economic leaders to assess the economic value of vaccines – including boosting productivity while reducing a range of government and social costs across health, tax, aged care, disability and carer support.
Tuesday 8 October 2024 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Dame Dorothy Tangney Alcove Parliament House, Canberra
The following people will be available for interviews at the launch event:
There will be opportunities for interviews, photography and filming with key spokespeople at the event. Please contact the media team if you would like to organise an interview.
Juliette Bagwell Palin Communications 0433 336 487, juliette@palin.com.au