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Government QLD, Industrial Relations

Union and industry unite in call to extend workers’ comp to gig workers

TWU Queensland / Queensland Trucking Association / The McKell Institute Queensland 2 mins read

The Transport Workers' Union (TWU) and the Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) have today announced their official support for extending workers' compensation to all gig workers across Queensland.

The case for extending workers' compensation to gig workers is laid out in the latest report from the McKell Institute Queensland, Gig Work and Reform of Workers' Compensation in Queensland, which was released today. The report highlights the vulnerabilities faced by gig workers, particularly in the transport and delivery sectors and calls for extending WorkCover protections to ensure that all gig workers receive adequate compensation and rehabilitation support, regardless of their employment status

"For too long, gig workers have been treated as a second class of worker in our state," said Joshua Millroy, TWU Director of Organisin.

"Our union has heard countless stories of gig economy workers who have had their lives ruined by the current system. For example the story of Nirav, who was hit by a car while delivering food for a gig economy service. Nirav received insufficient compensation through his employer’s private insurance, leaving him with chronic pain and financial insecurity. And his story is a common one. 

"We need to ensure that gig workers have the same rights to workers' compensation as everyone else."

QTA CEO Gary Mahon said the industry was proud to get behind the call. 

"The current system creates an uneven playing field. Good employers who comply with workers' compensation obligations are at a competitive disadvantage compared to platforms that sidestep these responsibilities," Mr Mahon said. 

"Extending WorkCover to all gig workers will protect vulnerable workers and promote fairness in the industry."

McKell Institute Queensland Executive Director Sarah Mawhinney emphasized the importance of the  reform for the community. 

"Establishing WorkCover for gig workers in Queensland is not just a regulatory change; it's a vital step towards ensuring economic fairness, worker safety, and long-term sustainability in a rapidly changing job landscape," Ms Mawhinney said. 

"The need for reform is clear—when accidents happen, the lack of coverage can have devastating consequences for workers and their families.

"As the gig economy continues to grow, the extension of workers' compensation coverage is a critical step towards ensuring that all workers, regardless of employment type, are afforded basic safety and security."

The TWU and QTA both stressed that these reforms would provide necessary protections for the thousands of gig workers who keep Queensland moving. 

Contact details:

Sarah Mawhinney 0413 738 841
Lauren Ferri 0422 581 506

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