The Australian Government’s review of the National Electricity Market (NEM) must deliver a “new deal” for consumers to deliver permanent cost of living relief and ensure they get the most out of their trillion dollar investment in electrifying houses and vehicles, Rewiring Australia said today.
“Australia desperately needs a new deal in energy markets that puts consumers on the same footing as institutional investors and big energy companies,” said Rewiring Australia Executive Director Dan Cass.
"Consumers are the biggest and most reliable investor in new energy capacity through solar, batteries, electric appliances and electric cars.
“Over the next 20 years everyday Australians will invest up to eight times more in energy technologies including EVs than big institutional investors. They must be front and centre of this transition.
“The Australian Government is right to establish this review because Australia’s energy system urgently needs a complete overhaul or it will continue to be plagued by supply shortfalls and price gouging driven by unreliable and dirty coal power stations. Rewiring Australia has advocated for a review for two years.
“The biggest shift in energy policy required over the next two decades is to redesign markets around consumers and electrification,” said Mr Cass.
Mr Cass said it would be vital for the independent panel to hear from solar households, electricians and others on the electrification frontline.
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To arrange interview: Charlie Moore 0452 606 171