As announced in the recent press release from the Minister for Social Services, The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, and Assistant Minister, The Hon Justine Elliot, the Federal Government is furthering its commitment to ending violence against women and children by announcing $2 million in additional funding for the Gender and Disaster Recovery Training Program.
Gender and Disaster Australia (GADAus) is a key partner in the Federal Government’s initiative to end violence against women within one generation, providing training and resources to first responders, including community members.
About Gender and Disaster Australia
Gender and Disaster Australia or ‘GADAus’ is the leading national organisation offering evidence-based education, training and resources to address the harmful impacts of gendered expectations in disaster.
Key Facts:
* GADAus receives additional $2M from Federal Labor Government for gender and disaster training
About us:
Contact details:
For media and more information contact:
Linda Apps M: 0433 999 017 E: linda@commsforchange.com.au
Mary Barry M: 0412 295 094