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Government WA, Medical Health Aged Care

Next WA Government must increase prevention spending and act to protect to children’s health

Public Health Association of Australia 3 mins read


5 December 2024


West Australian public health experts are calling for the next State Government to increase spending on prevention, act on alcohol-fuelled family violence, and protect children from harmful industries to keep the state’s residents safe, healthy and well. 


The Public Health Association of Australia’s WA Branch Election platform, released today, also puts climate change, youth detention, and maintaining restrictions on pokies on the election agenda. 


Public Health Association of Australia WA President, Ainslie Sartori, says that with the number of West Australians living with chronic disease increasing, and the health system straining under pressure, investment in prevention is crucial.


“We want to see at least five percent of the health budget allocated to prevention by 2029. It’s disappointing that there is no clear reporting on progress on promises relating to spending more on prevention made at the last state election. We are hopeful that this can be turned around, with regular reporting of progress and increased investment in prevention to ensure our WA health system is sustainable and cost effective.” 


Public health experts are also asking the next WA Government to address the role alcohol plays in gender-based violence. 


“More than one in three incidents of partner violence involve alcohol. We need urgent change, including preventing the sale of very cheap alcohol and strengthening regulation of alcohol delivery services.


“Better alcohol regulation will not only help prevent gendered violence, but also help protect children from domestic violence,” says Ms Sartori. 


The health and welfare of children is a key concern for public health experts and it’s a theme across several of the Public Health Association of Australia WA branch’s election asks. 


“We are concerned that harmful industries are preying on our most vulnerable, young West Australians, by bombarding them with junk food advertising at every corner.  We need better junk food marketing restrictions, including removing junk food ads from Government-owned properties. 


“We are also extremely alarmed that children as young as 10 are being arrested and incarcerated. Evidence shows that locking up young children does not prevent crime.  The WA Government must do better for kids and raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14,” says Ms Sartori. 


Adjunct Professor Terry Slevin, CEO, Public Health Association of Australia, says that climate change action is critical.     


“Climate change is one of our biggest public health threats. All West Australians have felt the effects of climate change – from heatwaves through to bushfires, floods and storms. We are setting WA kids up for a bleak future. The WA Government must act boldly and commit to a target of net zero emissions by 2035 to protect the health of current and future generations.”


The release of the election platform also comes ahead of the Public Health Association of Australia’s WA Election Forum today, where the current Health Minister, Shadow Health Minister, and Greens Spokesperson will speak and answer questions about their public health plans if elected. 


The Public Health Association of Australia WA Branch is encouraging all West Australians to get behind their election platform and #VoteForPublicHealth this WA election. The three major parties will be asked to respond to the election asks, with a Scorecard being published closer to election day. 


More information can be found at 


“All West Australians deserve to live long, healthy lives and stay out of hospital. Likewise, all Governments want to make good economic decisions to save costs. The next WA Government can’t afford to maintain the status quo. We look forward to hearing strong public health commitments from all sides of politics during the election campaign period,” concludes Adjunct Prof Slevin.


The Public Health Association of Australia WA’s State Election Platform includes: 


  • Increase investment in prevention and health promotion for a sustainable health system 
  • Address alcohol’s contribution to gender-based violence
  • Protect children from the influence of harmful industries 
  • Raise the age of criminal responsibility to age 14
  • Maintain electronic gaming machine restrictions 
  • Act boldly on climate change: Set a net zero emissions by 2035 target 




Notes to editors: 

Media contact: Paris Lord, Public Health Association of Australia – / or 0478 587 917




(Not for publication) 


Key WA MPs and electoral candidates, as well as public health experts, will gather in Floreat today to debate the most pressing public health issues in Western Australia ahead of the March election. Media are invited to attend online (via zoom – register via contact above) or in person. Please contact Paris Lord on the details above to register to attend. 


What: PHAA WA Pre-Election Forum

When: 11am AWST Thursday 5 December 2024  
Where: Bendat Basketball Centre, The Ellis Room, Level 1, 201 Underwood Ave, Floreat WA 6014 (and via livestream)


  • The Hon Amber-Jade Sanderson MLA, Minister for Health; Mental Health,
  • Ms Libby Mettam MLA, Leader of the WA Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Health; Mental Health; Prevention of Family & Domestic Violence
  • The Hon Dr Brad Pettitt MLC, Greens (WA) 


Available for interview: 

  • Public Health Association of Australia WA Branch President Ainslie Sartori  
  • Public Health Association of Australia CEO Adjunct Professor Terry Slevin 


Media should request interviews with the speakers via their media teams. 




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