All underground work has completely stopped on Australia's biggest renewable energy project over safety concerns after all workers downed tools on Tuesday night.
Tunnel boring machines have been turned off and all drill and blast works have ceased.
Workers are concerned some refuge chambers on the project, crucial for worker survival in the event of an underground emergency, are inoperable and not maintained to the manufacturer’s specifications.
The workers have not been trained in the operation of the refuge chambers, underground emergency evacuation procedures, firefighting and medical emergencies as required by the project Emergency Response Management Plan.
The project Emergency Response Management Plan also requires that regular underground rescue scenarios be conducted, but there hasn’t been any evacuation drills or other scenarios done in some areas of the project for months.
The union which represents workers on the site, the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU), has written to Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen, NSW Minister for Industrial Relations Sophie Cotsis and project managers requesting urgent meetings to discuss their ongoing concerns.
AWU NSW Secretary Tony Callinan says someone is going to get killed if safety issues aren’t addressed.
“We have been raising safety concerns on this project for years now, someone’s going to get killed if safety issues aren’t addressed immediately,” said Mr Callinan.
“Refuge chambers are crucial for survival if there is an emergency underground, they are meant to be inspected regularly to ensure they work, yet some have been found inoperable.
“Workers need to be trained how to use the refuge chambers, and how to respond in the event of an emergency.
“These emergency scenarios need to be practiced regularly, it is not good enough to just hope nothing goes wrong and then hope that people know what to do if and when something does go wrong.
“Health and Safety Representatives (HSR’s) have been raising their concerns on site for months, but their concerns have fallen on deaf ears.
“The workforce has decided enough is enough and out of frustration and genuine concern for their safety decided they had no option but to stop working underground until their concerns are appropriately addressed.
“The AWU and our members will insist that these matters are resolved, and no one will be working underground until they are.
“Tunnelling is a dangerous industry, and the risks need to be managed, Snowy 2.0 management just can’t seem to get it right, it’s the worst project I have seen in 20 years as an AWU Organiser.
“Yes, it’s an isolated project, yes, it’s a difficult and complex design but the management can’t seem to even get the basics right, it’s a disgrace.
“The workers have the skills and knowledge to do this project safely, but management continually prioritise production ahead of safety and it is preventing the workforce from doing their job safely.”
Contact: Tim Brunero 0405 285 547