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Federal Budget, Federal Election

Brewers call for urgent action on beer tax

Brewers Association of Australia < 1 mins read

With the beer tax set to increase yet again on Monday 3rd February the Brewers Association of Australia has made a submission to the Treasurer’s Budget consultation process calling for urgent action to address the high rates of tax.


Brewers Association of Australia CEO, John Preston said:


“On behalf of brewers and beer drinkers across Australia we are asking for urgent action to address the high rates of beer tax. We already have one of the highest beer tax rates in the world – there is no need for it to keep going up twice a year.


“Australians are doing the right thing and drinking responsibly. All these tax hikes are doing is making it increasingly unaffordable for Australians to head out to their local for a beer.


“Last year the newly elected Labour Government in the United Kingdom used its first Budget to continue the reductions in beer tax that were started under the previous Conservative government. We believe the Treasurer should follow the example of his British counterpart and give much needed relief to beer drinkers and our hospitality sector.

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