After years of Liberal and Labor Governments ignoring the mounting evidence of harm being done to children in LGBTIQA+ gender clinics, Family First welcomes Health Minister Mark Butler’s announcement today that there will be a federal review.
However, any halt to the practice of injecting of children with puberty blockers and cross sex hormones can not wait until the new guidelines come into force in 2026, National Director and lead NSW Senate candidate Lyle Shelton said.
“There needs to be a nationwide pause immediately on this experimental treatment which had destroyed the sexual function and mutilated the bodies of countless Australian children.
“On coming to power last year the UK Labour Government reaffirmed the Conservatives’ ban on using puberty blockers on children and also the closure of the child gender clinic at Tavistock.
“There is no reason for Australian politicians, regardless of who wins the up-coming election, to wait until 2026 to bring Australia into line with the Cass Review in the UK.
“Butler quotes the NHMRC as saying the research around the efficacy of child gender treatments is contested.
“Family First submits it is only contested by LGBTIQA+ political activists and some clinicians who are also activists.
“What has happened to Australian children is a medical scandal of the highest order and any objective review will bear this out.
“Media and political complicity with LGBTIQA+ political activism must never be allowed to influence medical science again,” Mr Shelton said.
Family First Senators, if elected, will move to have the law changed so children who have been damaged will be allowed to sue the medical practitioners who have conducted these experiments on them.
Family First called on whoever wins Government to start setting up a compensation fund.
Family First’s Senate team for the federal election have all fought for years for reform to protect kids both before joining the party and since the party was reconstituted in late 2021.
For more information contact media@familyfirstparty.org.au