The Community Housing Industry Association (CHIA) is delighted to note Housing Australia’s announcement that 800 social and affordable homes have been given the green light.
The approval of the first 12 project contracts under Funding Round One of the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF) will enable community housing organisations to deliver more than 240 social and 570 affordable rental homes.
“Understandably, people are eager to see results on the ground, so we’re thrilled to see the first projects underway with many of these homes set to complete this year.” CHIA CEO Wendy Hayhurst said.
“Figures released just today show more than 37,000 Australians are experiencing persistent homelessness. This is yet another reminder that homes like this are urgently needed. ”
The announcement comes as part of the first round of the Federal Government’s commitment to deliver 40,000 social and affordable dwellings by 2029-30.
“It’s great to see the government is keeping its foot on the accelerator with HAFF second round bids closing today and a third funding round promised soon,” Ms Hayhurst said. “This is just what we need when so many Australians are struggling to find secure, affordable homes and the community housing sector is more than ready to respond.”
“2021 census data shows Australia really needs one in ten homes as social and affordable housing. That will take an ambitious long term housing strategy with all levels of government, the community housing sector and the private sector all chipping in.”
“Quadrupling the HAFF would be a game-changing Federal government contribution that would enable us to make a big dent in the numbers of people experiencing rental stress or homelessness.”
Contact: Nick Lucchinelli 0422229032