Unreliable coal-fired power generators and a lack of adequate transmission infrastructure are driving energy prices up according to the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Quarterly Energy Dynamics Report out today.
The data shows that states with higher renewables penetration, like South Australia and Victoria had lower energy prices in the last quarter than coal-reliant NSW and Queensland.
With coal on the decline, the Federal Government must ensure regional communities hosting renewable energy infrastructure have the right information, support and trust.
RE-Alliance National Director Andrew Bray said Local Energy Hubs will bridge the information and capacity gaps in regional communities who are being asked to host renewable energy infrastructure like wind and solar farms, batteries and new transmission lines.
“The shift to renewables is well underway, but regional communities are telling us they need much more information to understand how to get the most out of the change,” Mr Bray said.
“Transmission, for example, is key to getting access to cheap renewable energy, but the conversation about why it is needed and where it will go is still not happening adequately with communities,” he said.
RE-Alliance, alongside partners Community Power Agency and Yes2Renewables, has been calling on the Federal Government to address the information gap on Australia’s shift to renewables with Local Energy Hubs in renewable energy regions.
“These hubs would be physical centres with a strong outreach program in renewable energy regions, staffed by independent local experts to help build trust and provide accurate information about what’s happening,” says Bray.
“When we speak with communities about this idea, the immediate response is that it’s a no- brainer.”
Local Energy Hubs are outreach centres that would:
- Bridge the information gap in regional communities by employing trusted local experts
- Tackle complex challenges like ensuring communities know exactly how to have input into, and benefit from, large-scale renewable energy projects proposed for their region
- Help the public learn how to save money on power bills in their homes and businesses
- Be a crucial touchpoint for developers, helping to foster trust in communities for their projects through quality communication and engagement
- Address barriers to the electrification of households, small businesses and farms such as lack of time or quality expert advice
- Provide grants to kick-start local community energy projects
More information on the Local Energy Hubs model can be found at: localenergyhubs.org.au.
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About us:
About RE-Alliance: RE-Alliance is working to secure an energy shift that delivers long-term benefits and prosperity for regional and rural Australia. They do this by listening to the needs of communities, facilitating collaboration across the renewables industry to deliver social outcomes and advocating for meaningful engagement and benefits for regions.
Contact details:
For media inquiries please contact Kitty Walker on 0438900117 or kitty@re-alliance.org.au