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Industrial Relations

Opal locks out over 300 pulp and paper workers

Manufacturing Division CFMEU 2 mins read








At 6PM on 16 January 2025, Opal took the unprecedented step of locking out over 300 CFMEU Manufacturing Division production members indefinitely from their Maryvale mill in the Latrobe Valley.  This action was in response to 7 workers taking a 6 hour work stoppage as part of a protected industrial action – the first by production workers in over 2 decades.  Opal issued the lock out notice at 5.01PM prior to the change of shift in the mill.


Opal’s total lockout of the 300 plus strong production workforce is completely disproportionate to the action taken by the employees.  It displays a total disregard for the employees, their families and communities.


Industrial parties have been in bargaining since October and despite best efforts by the Union, Opal remain intent on stripping the hard won wages and conditions of their employees.


CFMEU Manufacturing members have always supported the Maryvale mill through its challenging times.  In 2016 production employees accepted a 5% pay cut and a resetting of wages to secure the future of the mill.  This outcome was achieved with no industrial action.  No management took a reduction in wages.


Opal have a history of poor management of the mill; lack of foresight and planning to ensure the long term success of the business.  This lack of planning sees the mill overtime bill top out at $5.4M per annum by their own admission.


“Opal claim to want a ‘fair outcome’ but this seems to mean workers must start by giving up their current conditions.  Opal want to increase employees ordinary working hours; reclassify their roles again; treat them like casual employees and remove checks and balances around rostering; crewing numbers and career progression.


Managers come and go at the Maryvale mill.  The employees – our members - work and live in the Latrobe Valley.  They want a long term future for the mill for them, their families and their community.  But our members are entitled to a fair deal.  They do not deserve to have their conditions, wages or the welfare of their families slashed to offset Opal’s mismanagement.” said Denise Campbell-Burns, Secretary of the Pulp and Paper District.


“Our members are prepared for a long fight and the company has seriously under estimated their resolve to ensure a fair deal” stated Ms Campbell-Burns.


Media comment:​Denise Campbell-Burns 0419 591 181

​Anthony Pavey 0418 455 155


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