The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Victoria held their annual Australia Day celebrations on 01 February 2025 at Bait Us Salam mosque; Langwarrin bringing together hundreds of representatives from various political backgrounds, community groups and people from various backgrounds and walks of life.
The program began with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran focusing on justice, societal peace and leading a nation to prosperity.
The program was followed by the National Anthem led by an Ahmadi Muslim children followed by 10 year old Ahmadi girl Rabbiyah Ahmad who expressed her own feeling about Australia and making Australia hers.
As the first speaker of the event, Honourable Julian Hill MP Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs spoke about “the diversity and love the Ahmadiyya Muslim community shows towards Australia and highlighted the need to reflect and learn from the past while also focusing on the strength in diversity that we have in Australia. Re-iterated the message of “Love For All, Hatred For None.”
Honourable Renee Heath MP Member for Eastern Victoria Region insisted on migrants and rights in Australia; though she is a practicing Christian and was happy and expressed the love towards Muslim brothers and sisters attending this event.
Honourable Councillor Kris Bolam JP Mayor of Frankston City Council expressed deep love and having excellent array of people gathering in Bait Us Salam mosque and praised about the community work on advocating peace, blood donation drives, charity and tree plantations.
A number of Victorian leaders spoke to the gathering including:
- Honourable Cr. Jim Memmeti- Mayor of City of Greater Dandenong
- Honourable Zahid Safi Liberal Candidate for Bruce
- Honourable Nathan Conroy Liberal Candidate for Dunkley
There was presence of Country Fire Authority (CFA) and police officials on this occasion.
Kim Gammon Multicultural Liaison Unit and many other members were present.
Dr. Yves Moreau from Liberal Party along side Damien Rosario Former Councillor, City of Casey were also present on this occasion.
The National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Australia, Imam. I.H. Kauser stated: "We, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, always pray for the progress and development of our homeland, Australia. In keeping with our traditions, we will celebrate Australia Day at all mosques across the country. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our nation, government, and fellow citizens because our religion teaches us that love for one’s country of residence is a part of faith." as concluding remarks and led a silent prayer for the prosperity and peace of Australia.
Contact details:
Basharat Ahmed – Media Representative Langwarrin Mosque
M: 0469 869 056