Disability workers set to rally in Melbourne, and stage a colourful stunt, amid lack of action on pay and conditions
Dozens of disability workers will today rally against a lack of action on pay and conditions.
The Health and Community Services Union Victoria are calling on the state and federal Labor governments not to forget about them.
In 2018, the Victorian Government privatised disability services. At the end of this year, over 6,000 workers risk cuts to their pay and conditions unless governments step in.
This could see thousands of participants left without support workers they value.
The action coincides with the launch of the union’s disability campaign, which focuses on raising wages and improving conditions.
“These workers help those living with a disability in our society lead a life with joy, meaning and dignity. They are underappreciated all-rounders," Paul Healey, State Secretary of HACSU, said.
“If we don’t support these workers, they will leave this incredibly rewarding profession. We must give these people what they deserve, and the equivalent of an extra few dollars an hour is all we are asking for. It shouldn’t be that hard.”
The NDIS is facing a workforce crisis, with one in four workers considering leaving the profession.
Worker action details:
When: Thursday, March 13, 2.30 PM
Where: Victorian Parliament (outside, main entry)
Who: Health and Community Services Union and HSU National (workers available for interview)
What: Dozens of workers with signs rallying outside parliament urging Labor not to leave them behind, a quarter of rally participants removing an over-shirt to no longer match the universal colour of all taking part, to represent the number (1 in 4) people considering leaving
Media contact:
Kathleen Ferguson - 0421 522 080
Matt Coughlan - 0400 561 480