In response to growing concerns about vehicle theft and items being stolen from vehicles across Victoria, Neighbourhood Watch, supported by RACV, has launched: How safe is my vehicle?, an online quiz designed to help Victorian’s protect their cars and belongings from theft.
The release of the new quiz is timely given new data released today from the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency has revealed theft of motor vehicles has increased by almost 8,432 in the last 12 months, up 41.5 per cent. Theft from a motor vehicle also increased by almost 19,000 in the last 12 months, up 33.32 per cent. Both figures represent a ten year high.
The free How safe is my vehicle quiz provides practical advice, security recommendations, and step-by-step guidance for vehicle owners to protect their vehicle, including caravans.
Neighbourhood Watch CEO Bambi Gordon said every Victorian should feel confident about their vehicle's security.
"The How safe is my vehicle quiz puts practical prevention tools directly into the hands of vehicle owners, empowering them to take proactive steps to protect their vehicle,” Ms Gordon said.
“This initiative comes at a crucial time as vehicle-related crime continues to impact Victorian communities.”
The report generated from the quiz, includes:
- Information about the latest anti-theft technologies
- Best practices for secure parking
- Practical tips to prevent theft from vehicles.
"We've created a valuable resource that addresses a pressing community need aimed at making Victorian communities safer,” Ms Gordon said.
The initiative is supported by local Neighbourhood Watch volunteer groups who will help raise awareness and provide hands-on guidance to community members.
Top 10 Local Government Areas experiencing vehicle-related crime
Theft of a motor vehicle
| Theft from a motor vehicle
| Numberplate theft
This tool is the latest in a series of free resources from Neighbourhood Watch, supported by RACV, including How safe is my place, How safe is my farm, How safe is my apartment and How safe is my school.
Victorian vehicle owners are encouraged to secure your vehicle and prevent crime by completing the quiz at howsafeismyplace.com.au/vehicle/.
Further information
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Since 1903, RACV has been one of Australia’s most trusted brands and is the largest member organisation in Victoria.
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