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Federal Budget, Federal Election

The Federal Government Budget excluded new funding to support over 50,000 Australian stoma patients.

Stoma Industry Association 2 mins read
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The Federal Government’s pre-election budget last night failed to provide any new support for 50,000 stoma patients who were waiting on a funding agreement to access new and better products.

In 2023 the Government announced yet another review of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS), with the report released in March 2024, and a consultation phase finally closed in October 2024.

The Federal Government has now indicated it will not be implementing any reforms or recommendations until, yet another review is completed.

Matthew Dalton, Chair of the Stoma Industry Association, stated: “6 reviews and still no action. The patients, industry and medical professionals that support stoma patients have been left abandoned by the Government, who have indicated it could be another year before we find out if they’re going to invest in this vulnerable patient group. It sends a very strong message, that ostomy patients are not valued, seen or heard by the Federal Government. The scheme is fiscally sound, yet suppliers must now choose whether to abandon certain products, which may cause mayhem and panic amongst the patients. ”

Successive Federal Governments undertook reviews of the scheme in 1986, 1996, 2002, 2010 and 2012.  None of these review findings were ever published, before subsequent reviews were undertaken. The only result from these reviews was a 2013 price freeze on products paid for by the scheme. 

Studies show Australian patients experience a 10% lower quality of life compared to ostomy patients in other countries.  Patients  who need a stoma include those with bowel cancer, Crohn’s disease, and colitis.

These patients live in constant fear of leaks, social isolation, embarrassment, and intimacy issues with their loved ones. Australia spends significantly less on each stoma patient compared to other developed countries such as the UK, where 60 per cent more stoma products are available, or Canada which  spends five time on each patient.

Australian stoma patient Ryan Mann knows only too well the difficulties of living with a stoma, “Everyday you wake up not knowing what difficulties, challenges or simply embarrassment could be waiting for you, owing to a lack of access to innovative and better kinds of products.  Why should I have to move to the UK to enjoy a better quality of life? Its simply ridiculous

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Contact details:

For Inquiries: Matt Dalton 0412 059 699  Tim Cook 0428 862 436


Matthew Dalton, Chair, Stoma Industry AssociationMatthew Dalton, Chair, Stoma Industry Association

Matthew Dalton.jpg

Matthew Dalton, Chair, Stoma Industry Association
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