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“We will be watching” – People with Disability Australia warns against cuts to the NDIS

People with Disability Australia 2 mins read
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People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is putting politicians on notice: Australians with disability will not stand by while our lifeline – the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – and the essential supports it delivers are threatened by cost-cutting or used as a political football.

PWDA is calling for considered investment in the NDIS in recognition of the critical role the Scheme plays in our economy and in enabling people with disability to live and participate in our communities.

“The NDIS is an essential service, not a luxury. It enables more than 706,000 people with disability to live independently, participate in the workforce and contribute to our communities. Any move to restrict access or cut funding is not just a betrayal of our rights – it’s bad economics,” said PWDA Deputy CEO Megan Spindler-Smith.

“Every $1 invested in the NDIS returns $2.25 in value to the Australian economy. It also drives job creation – for every $1 billion underfunded, over 10,000 jobs are lost. Cutting the NDIS doesn’t save money – it costs more in hospitalisations, crisis services and social supports,” Mx Spindler-Smith said.

Coalition Senator Jane Hume's recent remarks insinuating further reductions to growth targets for the NDIS are on the table have sparked fear and anger among the disability community. While the Coalition has since walked back these comments, they have not outlined their alternative plans, leaving people with disability uncertain and anxious about what lies ahead and whether they believe the NDIS is an essential service or fair game for further budget cuts.

“People with disability are scared – and we have good reason to be. Floating the idea of cuts then failing to provide any detail on what you’d actually do is unacceptable. We need clear commitments from all parties that there will be no politics played with the NDIS, no further cuts to access, underfunding or changes to the NDIS growth target,” said PWDA Board Director and NDIS participant Steph Travers.

“We want long-term, sustainable investment in the NDIS guaranteed. We want participant choice and control – the very foundation of the Scheme’s success - to be protected. We want an end to the fraud narrative that has misrepresented our community. The NDIS is a vital support for many disabled Australians to have a shower or leave the house. Any cost-cutting reforms that further reduce access to essential supports  shifts the burden to already over-stretched or non-existent state support systems,” Ms Travers said.

PWDA is calling on all parties to prioritise investment in the NDIS by:

  • Guaranteeing sustainable funding with no further cuts to the growth target for the NDIS
  • Protecting participant choice and control and a meaningful co-design process of any Scheme changes
  • Reversing or preventing reforms that reduce access to essential supports

“Australians with disability and our millions of allies are paying attention. We are voters. We are workers. We are community members. And we will be keeping this front of mind when we cast our votes at the upcoming election,” Mx Spindler-Smith said.

About us:


People with Disability Australia Incorporated (PWDA) is a national disability rights and advocacy, non-profit, non-government organisation. We have a cross-disability focus, representing the interests of people with all kinds of disability and our membership is made up of people with disability and organisations mainly constituted by people with disability.

Contact details:

PWDA Media and Communications

0491 034 479


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