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Government Federal, National News Current Affairs




According to this investigation, Hizb ut-Tahrir – banned in Germany, and proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the United Kingdom – has led national boycotts of Jewish-owned businesses and incited violent protests in Caulfield that required a synagogue to be evacuated; they have infiltrated Australia’s leading university, are glorifying terrorism and distributing extremist material, and are covertly using front organisations to mainstream their extremism with a combined 33,000 followers. 


We should not have any doubt as to what Hizb ut-Tahrir’s key players and supporters mean when they refer to 7 October as a “day of courage,” or when they share videos of Hamas terrorists paragliding into Israel.  This explosive investigation has exposed that their leaders preach that “the sharia obligation is for people who have the capability to rise and wage jihad” – they have even stood up a “secret wing” that is actively lobbying Muslim soldiers to fight together with Hamas.


For months now, the Jewish community and leaders of all backgrounds have been warning that there are serious threats to social cohesion, with an explosion of extremism in Australia.  There’s not much wondering why, because this extensive investigation has made it clear that extremists like Hizb ut-Tahrir are actively working to destroy social cohesion, and are operating with complete impunity.


For Hizb ut-Tahrir to have so much as a foothold in Australia is dangerous.  But it is frankly reckless that our authorities have let it establish a sophisticated operation.  Especially so given that it is banned in Germany and proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the United Kingdom. 


This investigation has exposed that Hizb ut-Tahrir has been covertly pushing unwitting Australians towards extremism, and radicalising its members in support of terror.  Governments must take it seriously and act decisively. 


Where members of Hizb ut-Tahrir have broken the law, the law must be enforced.  And if no laws have been broken, then our laws must be strengthened.  Our authorities must be given the powers they need to stamp out this extremism and racial hatred.


16 June 2023

Contact details:

Lahra Carey: | +61 414 632 982

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